Whether you have one image to display or fifty, having a way to display them nicely can add visual impact to a page and enhance the photo or image for viewing. But if you have had a looked around on the web you will find the range of options and types can be daunting. Here are several examples we like to use. Click the left or right arrows or the numbered tab on the slider dispay below to scroll through the examples and follow the instructions to see a live preview. The slider below known as the Anything Slider can also be used as a way to display images, the last two tabs on this slider are use for just that as an example for displaying photos, it also has a slideshow feature which can be started by clicking the Start button.
If you have seen another style or technique not shown here and would like to use that particular one, just tell us where you came across it and we will be glad to see if we can use it for you. We can utilise most styles of galleries on your web site for no extra charge, but some will require the purchase of a licence or package for them to be used on your site.